Hey, guys! My name is Ali, and I am a business management student.
If you are a francophone student living in Quebec like me, it's not rare to speak in English at school or at work. We can still speak a little bit and get through the situation but when we have to write an email to someone or submit an essay to a teacher we defiantly don't want to make a mistake because it can affect our reputation and grades.
I have only learned English recently and still struggle sometimes with words I am unaware of or I just don't know how to write them. But I was motivated and over the years I have improved my English a lot.
I am a senior at college and know how to find tools which can be essential for me.
I'm going to help you solve this problem.
My goal is to show you on how to write email or essay without any mistakes.
It'll only take 5 minutes. Just sit back and pay your full attention because this will help you throughout your whole life.
It is absolutely amazing on what you can do with the website I'm going to show you.
Let me explain to you the problem. When we have to submit an essay to an English teacher we are often not sure about our text. If we have made a mistake or not.
Because it can be embarrassing to make mistakes for simple words and can make your look stupid in front of your teacher. It can get worse if it's in front of your boss at work.
Image that your boss wants you to write a important email to an client living in USA, well you have to make sure that the email is well-written because it can cost you your job and reputation.
It sounds terrible. But don't worry because I know the perfect solution which I have been using throughout my college years and which will serve you too. In the next few minutes I will show you the perfect solution.
First, open your browser. Type this URL into the address bar and hit enter. If you typed the URL correctly, you will see this page, and you need to click here.
In the top left corner you can see the logo of the website "Virtual Writing Tutor".
In the top right corner you can see social media pages where you can share the website and which can be helpful for your entourage.
In the middle of the screen you can see a box which can be used to write a text. And which is really essential.
On the navigation menu you can see different types of options which can help you depending on your need.
Now here is what you have to do, if you are writing an email you can come here and write your email, example; "Hi, my name is Ali and I would like to thank you for your time and I hope I will see you soon" than you just need to click on check grammar which would let you know if there's any error, "now we will correct the errors by using those tools". There are many other options to make sure to check them out yourself.
So, if you are a business student, that's how you the problem. I promised I would show your how to write a perfect email, and I did it using the website.
I hope that was useful to you because I need you to do something for me.
Before I finish, I want you to click the subscribe button and the bell icon so that you don't miss my next video, and then take a moment to share this tutorial on social media. Thanks for watching.
Word count: 643
Total MP3 length: 03:23
Target structure count: 10
Error count: 7
Error density: 2%