Science Work

15 15 words. terms

Wen a gas changes directly to solid, without passing through a liquid state.
Example: To make a prototype of the casing and the keypad of the phone, either the process of laser sintering or fused deposition can be used.
pt_br: Deposição
The process of turning from liquid into vapor.
Example: The water supply in these areas will be diminished by changes in precipitation, evaporation and soil moisture, river flows and groundwater re-charge which occur due to the rising temperature.
pt_br: Evaporação
(of a fluid, gas, or electricity) move along or out steadily and continuously in a current or stream.
Example: Rivers flow into the sea
pt_br: Fluxo
Freezing is a phase transition where a liquid turns into a solid when its temperature is lowered below its freezing point.
Example: Clouds that have above freezing temperatures at all levels are called warm clouds.
pt_br: congelando
Kinetic energy
Energy which a body possesses by virtue of being in motion.
Example: It has been suggested by many psychologists such as Bingham, Rosenbaum and Schmidt that this distinction is made based on whether or not the movement of an object seems to conform to Newtonian laws by conserving kinetic energy, if an object appears to violate these laws it is often identified as being animate (as cited in Tremoulet & Feldman, 2006).
pt_br: energia cinética
Physical substance in general, as distinct from mind and spirit; (in physics) that which occupies space and possesses rest mass, especially as distinct from energy.
Example: The structure and properties of matter.
pt_br: Matéria
When matter changes from a solid to a liquid.
Example: In the near future, and after thorough drying, CHN analysis will be carried out on 1 and 2 as will melting point determination to complete this data set.
pt_br: Derretendo
A minute portion of matter.
Example: Tiny particles of dust
pt_br: Partículas
Sublimation is the transition of a substance directly from the solid to the gas state, without passing through the liquid state.
Example: Heat from the food provides the latent heat of vaporization or cryogenic of sublimation.
pt_br: Sublimação
A particular kind of matter with uniform properties
Example: A steel tube coated with a waxy substance.
pt_br: Substância
The degree or intensity of heat present in a substance or object, especially as expressed according to a comparative scale and shown by a thermometer or perceived by touch.
Example: This simple experiment shows how hot or cold are purely subjective standpoints which have no place in reality, All the bowls of water have a temperature, Locke is not denying that, but none of them are hot or cold in or of themselves, they require a conscious observer to be given such a description.
pt_br: Temperatura
The state or quality of being thick.
Example: He gave his eyes time to adjust to the thickness of the fog.
pt_br: espessura
The state or quality of having opposite surfaces or sides close together.
Example: The thinness of the paper
pt_br: magreza
Describes a liquid's "thickness" or "thinness".
Example: In addition, there are evidences that iron supplementation could alters the shape of the red blood cells so lower their oxygen binding capacity but rise the blood viscosity eventually reduce the rate of placental perfusion, thus affect the nutrients sent to the baby.
pt_br: viscosidade
Physical quantity that indicates a quantity of matter present in a body; pasta.
Example: The sewer could not cope with the volume of rainwater
pt_br: Volume