Science project

15 Have more information about the words that we saw during this year terms

Glossary made because of the science work

Change of state
Change: transitive verb state: noun
are physical changes in matter, it includes melting, freezing, sublimation, deposition, condensation, and vaporization.
Example: It all depends in the change of state.
en: Cambio de estado
It is all related to the particles in their respective forms
Example: The concentration made the water freeze.
en: Concentración
The concentration of particles is all related to the change of state and fluids in general.
Result or outcome, the final part
Example: I got the conclusion of my experience days ago
en: Conclusión
Mainly all the facts give you a conclusion
The movement of something in one direction.
Example: It depends if this subsatance flows or not.
en: Fluir
especially of liquids, gases, or electricity, to move in one direction, continuously and easily.
Flow rate
Flow: intransitive verb Rate: noun
The volume of fluid that passes through a given surface at a given time.
Example: The flow rate of this substance was send to the laboratory
en: Tasa de flujo
In general almost all images related to this are graphs that shows the flows of substances.
Is a substance that continually deforms (flows) under an applied shear stress, or external force.
Example: These substances are classified as fluids.
en: Fluidos
Fluids are in our daily routine and are very important for us and the hole enviroment.
A proposed explanation that accounts for observed experiment or known facts and that can be used to guide any experiment
Example: My hypothesis is that the oxygen will make it explode.
en: Hipótesis
Hypothesis, theorys, experimental...
The process of noting and recording data for scientific investigation or other particular use.
Example: After days of observation I finally have a conclusion.
Observe, take notes and wait
Is a small localized object or entity to which can be ascribed several physical or chemical properties such as volume, density or mass.
Example: Each substance has his own particles.
en: Partículas
Particles can be found in any living organism.
Scientific Inquiry
Scientific: adjective Inquiry: transitive verb
Refers to the different ways in which scientists study the natural world and propose explanations based on evidence from their work.
Example: we talk about values and objectivity in scientific inquiry.
en: La investigación científica
What is usually seen in a scientific inquiry
any sentence that is not a question, assertion.
Example: My financial statements are not going how I expected
en: Declaración
Statements, can be about many subjects
A material with particular physical characteristics
Example: This substance has a low level of viscosity.
en: Sustancia
Substances can be varied in many ways.
A measure of the warmth or coldness of an object or substance
Example: The temperature is changing depending on the substances that we add.
en: Temperatura
Temperature can be also be showed in scale and graphs.
Testable question
Testable: noun question: noun
Testable questions are very important for a scientific inquiry
Is the physical property that characterizes the resistance of a fluid to flow
Example: The viscosity of this substance is really low.
en: Viscosidad
viscosity makes part between a division make in substances, for better classification of it