Bernardo-Chemistry Glossary
15 Definitions of Chemistry terms
A glossary of chemistry terms that will help to improve your science vocabulary.
- Adhesion
- Noun
- The action or process of adhering(sticking) to a surface or object.
- Example: The water adhesion makes it sticks on the spider web.
- pt_br: Adesão
- Boiling point
- Noun
- The temperature at which a liquid changes into a gas.
- Example: The boiling point of water at average sea-level atmospheric pressure is 100°C.
- pt_br: Ponto de ebulição
- Chemical
- Adjective
- Relating to chemistry, or the interactions of substances as studied in chemistry.
- Example: The chemical composition of the atmosphere.
- pt_br: Química/Químico
- Cohesion
- Noun
- The sticking together of particles of the same substance.
- Example: The water cohesion makes it sticks to itself.
- pt_br: Coesão
- Colour
- Noun
- The first appearance of a substance.
- Example: The colour of gold is also called gold.
- pt_br: Cor
- Combustibility
- Noun
- The ability of a substance to react quickly with oxygen to produce heat energy and light.
- Example: Gasoline vapor is highly combustible.
- pt_br: Combustibilidade
- Density
- Noun
- The amount of mass in a given volume of a substance.
- Example: The density of water is higher than the density of oil.
- pt_br: Densidade
- Ductility
- Noun
- A measure of a material's ability to undergo significant plastic deformation before it breaks.
- Example: The ductility of copper allows it to become thin wire.
- pt_br: Ductilidade
- Lustre
- Noun
- The way the surface of a substance looks in the light.
- Example: Gold retains its lustre for far longer than other metals.
- pt_br: Brilho
- Malleability
- Noun
- The ability to be pounded or rolled into sheets.
- Example: Aluminum foil has a high malleability, it is easily shaped and moulded.
- pt_br: Maleabilidade
- Melting point
- Noun
- The temperature at which a given solid will melt.
- Example: The melting point of ice at average sea level atmospheric pressure is 0°C.
- pt_br: Ponto de fusão
- Physical Property
- Noun
- Description of a characteristic of a substance that can be observed or measured without changing its composition.
- Example: Adhesion and Cohesion are physical properties of water.
- pt_br: Propriedade Física
- Reaction
- Noun
- A reaction or chemical reaction is a chemical change which forms new substances.
- Example: When it mix baking soda and vinegar a chemical rection takes place.
- pt_br: Reação
- Solubility
- Noun
- Amount of substance that dissolves in water.
- Example: Solubility decreases with rise of temperature.
- pt_br: Solubilidade
- Texture
- Noun
- The feel of the surface of a substance.
- Example: There are two types of textures: Tactile and Visual ones.
- pt_br: Textura